So the journey is underway. My decision is firm and so is my resolve. After acclimatizing to a new and wondrous mindset long hidden from the world and myself I ascend the mountain of opportunity to become a buddhist hotdog, one-with-everything.
I trace back my footsteps down the icy slopes off into the windblown distance. Basecamp hugs the snow filled meadows like a fly on a bathroom tile. A gush of wind hides it from view as I tuck myself in behind the comfort of my tent canopy to reflect on all I have accomplished and the struggles tomorrow. Reaching the summit which is peeling away to the center.
” And a man of many layers? Matrim Cauthon made an onion look like an apple! “.
Robert Jordan – The Wheel of Time
Together with my coach Marca van den Broek (angelcoaching) plans were made. Layers of resistance needed to be peeled and so they were. Voices needed to shut the fuck up in order to hear the sweet music of hope again. Illusionary political parties created policy based on reason so the stumbling shipwreck emotional artist could be free to be a fool a little while longer as long as rules were followed.

So, here we are. I feel like I hit a halfway point reflecting on a successful exposition at home. It felt good sharing philosophical views on my raison d’etre as an artist and to elaborate on some of my artworks. I received some unexpected visitors which is nice and lot’s of people didn’t show up but that’s okay. It’s art, not everybody’s cup ‘o tea. Some empty promises were painful for sure but I’m still standing.
Next piece of uncharted territory is to get myself some proper exposure. Either through a gallery or online or both. And I really need to follow up on some tips I received not so long ago.
Keep the ball rolling!